Your precious one is quickly growing, and every day brings new and exciting changes that will fill you with pride and delight. In the 10th month of your baby’s life, you’ll find yourself with a determined baby on the move. This is also when milestones such as standing, taking their first steps, and feeding themselves usually take place.

It’s common for parents to feel excited about their child’s progress on the ladder of development. Noting that how a child plays, learns, speaks, acts, and moves- offers vital clues on their growth in the different aspects of life.

We know that this is an exciting time for you and your baby’s life. So, we curated the things you need to expect when your baby reaches the 10th month of life.

A baby is born with a need to be loved
and he’ll never outgrow it

Frank A. Clark

As your little one marks her 10th month, you’ll be amazed at just how independent she is becoming. She’ll be adorably chatty, curious, and adventurous. You may wonder, “How can she possibly create such a big development within a few days?” To help you throughout this new and exciting phase, we’ve covered the things you can expect from your little one.


During her 10th month, your baby will get stronger as she prepares to walk. She’ll become increasingly mobile, moving around by crawling. She will discover how to poke, point, and pick things up with her forefinger and thumb. Your little one may start saying words like “mama” and “dada”.

At this age, most babies will walk with help by clinging to both of your hands. Your little one may also imitate sounds, say a few words, respond, and to the word no. She’ll also get better at using her hands, and this will allow her to hold things with ease and find no trouble picking up her toys.

Your Baby’s Main Activity:

During this stage, you’ll notice your baby harnessing her focus, eye-hand coordination, patience, and perseverance. For her activities, stacking toys may be a big hit these days. The stack of toys may fall over repeatedly, but this will help her learn to persevere and start again! So, just let her be, and don’t be surprised if she starts intentionally knocking over the stacks of toys. This will also help her sharpen her patience and attention.

Your Baby’s Main Activity:

Your baby, at this age, gets an average of 14 hours of sleep in a day; 3 hours during the day and 11 hours during the night. Like most babies, she might take two naps a day- with one longer nap in the afternoon. At this stage, your baby’s day-night routine is more predictable. It would be beneficial for both of you if you improve her bedtime routine. Here are a few things you can consider:

  • Allow your baby to nap to help her avoid feeling overtired.
  • Start her getting-in-bed routine 20-30 minutes before her bedtime.
  • A few minutes before turning the lights out, dim the lights, and allow your baby to calm down and be at ease.


Social/Emotional Development Language/ Communication Development Cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving) Movement / Physical Development
Looks when you call her name

Shows shyness, clinginess, or fear when around

Laughs or smiles when you play games (peek-a-boo)

Exhibits different facial expressions, like happy, angry,
sad, and surprised Looks for, reaches for you, or cries,
when you leave.
Makes a lot of different sounds like "mama",
“baba”, and "dada"

Lifts arms to be picked up
Claps or bangs two things together

Cries or looks for objects when taken away,
dropped, or become out of sight
Gets to a sitting position and sits without support

Moves things from one hand to the other

Uses fingers to gather food towards herself


As a new parent, like your baby, you’re always learning. And while it’s ok to feel at ease or confident about what you know. It’s also ok to admit that you need help.

As your baby’s first teacher, one of the most important roles you need to fulfill is to guide her as she learns and develops; in this section, we’ve curated some tips and activities that you can use as you face the new stage in your baby’s life:


As a new parent, like your baby, you’re always learning. And while it’s ok to feel at ease or confident about what you know. It’s also ok to admit that you need help. As your baby’s first teacher, one of the most important roles you need to fulfill is to guide her as she learns and develops; in this section, we’ve curated some tips and activities that you can use as you face the new stage in your baby’s life:

After 10 months of parenting, it may feel like you’ve already become an expert at childcare tasks. That you might’ve mastered the art of calming your crying baby or developed your baby’s perfect daily routine. But being a parent is a lifelong process of learning and understanding. Every day, you’ll discover something new about your precious one; and it is in these moments that you’ll realize that your little one won’t be little forever. So cherish every step. Hold on to every moment. And although it’s quite bittersweet, to see your baby grow into the person she’s becoming- is the greatest miracle you’re fortunate to witness.

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